Thursday, June 09, 2011


well first up thank Noobsters for allowing me to post this, the intention was to post on Teoti but after returning to find my site had been stolen/hijacked my code ripped and it being run by a bunch of assholes after i'd paid thousands to keep the site up & running just a couple of years earlier I had to change my banking details prior to teoti going down, there was nothing I could do about this at the time due to events out of my control off the internet...the idea was to get the site back up in a couple of weeks then settle the bill with webair when I could then give them my new banking details. In the mean time of course Mark decided to contact Webair via my account which i'd trusted him with (due to some coding he was doing) and hijack teoti. It came to a point though when I just *had* to dissconnect from the net one afternoon and sort out some real world stuff, there was little I could do to stop it. Next thing i know....
Dick & Marky are not willing to take down the fake in favour of getting teoti back up, they have stolen the site. Anyway who gives a shit noobsters where it's at.

ps. to the person who suggested I ran off with the God payments....fuck you too.
 if you need to get in touch with XIX he uses the alias dude_in_lv

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